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Recent content by BBlue

  1. B

    Vindictive's goodbye STF and RSF runs

    lolz, I was 1/2 expecting a call from you actually
  2. B

    Vindictive's goodbye STF and RSF runs

    I hope you guys had fun last night....for some reason I thought it Said Oct 26, so I had cleared my Friday night, but made plans Saturday night, and by the time I realized I had the dates mixed up (Friday night @9pm, lol) I couldn't change my plans for Saturday.
  3. B

    Vindictive's goodbye STF and RSF runs

    What time is it? Is it on Protector or Freedom...if it's Freedom I have to shift toons over, lol
  4. B

    Vindictive's goodbye STF and RSF runs

    Well, just looked at my toons, lol Psy Miss will be coming for the hero side...she is my main healer on heroes, she's emp/ill, and fully IO set upgraded, only thing she doesn't have are incarnate powers, but I won't have the time to get them now, esp. since Protector is basically dead atm...
  5. B

    Vindictive's goodbye STF and RSF runs

    *waves* Admit it, you missed me, it's never a team without Blue included....hehe
  6. B

    12 people are on Protector right now. 12!

    Protector has been slow for a while, I ended up moving to Virtue, I NEVER have any issues getting a team 2gether, but I'm sure most of that is because I AM BLUE after all
  7. B

    City of Heroes is going down

    Trust me, for certain people who still play on a regular basis....this sucks more than big, hairy donkey balls.....I'm not sure where I'm going next....I've got some people trying to talk me into DCO, not sure though.......
  8. B

    Vindictive's goodbye STF and RSF runs

    Count me in as's never a fun team without Blue I'll make sure to upgrade my healers on both sides to IO's...I have a feeling we'll need it *snickers* idk who I have on global list or not, but my global is @queen of everything
  9. B

    Guess Who :D

    Awwwwwwww, you're sweet Dan........I miss you guys as well, but I"m still addicted to CoX, and I can only handle one addiction at a time, lol
  10. B

    Guess Who :D

    Hey guys Just thought I'd drop by to see if anyone remembered who I was Glad to see the group is going strong, and how much you've expanded is amazing.  If you guys are on facebook look me up sometime. Take care all BTW........Tryden are you twittering RIGHT NOW? *grins*
  11. B

    Blue's Wedding

    For everyone who knows me, here is a sneak preview into mine and Dark's wedding on May 16, as I get more, I'll add more posts
  12. B

    Free WAR trial

    well, I"m sorry to Zaz for wasting his free trial, after a night I knew I wasn't going to like the's 2 much like WoW for my tastes...and I got bored soloing.
  13. B

    Free WAR trial

    yes, but I don't think she was talking about u Spine
  14. B

    Free WAR trial

    Yeah, I got it last night in my e-mail, my fiancee is going to download War onto my computer tonight (hopefully if he doesn't forget, lol)
  15. B

    Free WAR trial

    Lord Tryden said: *rolls eyes* I GAVE you my e-mail address already...glad I'm so important u lost it, hehe...and I think Zaz is going to be hooking me up