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Thinking about trying this again


Staff member
So, I downloaded GW2 again and it was the worst thing I ever played. I was barely able to uninstall it before I blacked out from its PvE content.

I'm thinking of trying BDO again. How has it changed since I played it for three hours last July?

So, basically a year later I'm finally playing this again.

Some thoughts:

-This game was localized by bad people
-I'm angry all the time playing it
-I joined a guild and they immediately kicked me
-I hit level 9 and was pretty proud of myself
-Forgot I spelled my own name wrong when I created my character but I'm sticking with it
-This game has an erotic-ness about it I can't quite describe

In conclusion, I give this game 0.3 out of 10

I know no one believed I'd play this for more than a day, but I'm continuing to level (yeah, like playing the character myself and not paying for power leveling). I'm looking for a guild so please invite me



How do you like me now?

I have a donkey named Andy. Fuck every single one of you
