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Search results

  1. V

    Elba is Pro?

    <font color="#c71585">AnD NoW ThAT We'Ve BLoWn Up ELbA's ThReAd...... </font>
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    Elba is Pro?

    <font color="#c71585">LoL Ur MeMoRy Is GoOd...</font>
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    Elba is Pro?

    <font color="#c71585">lmao....I ReMeMbEr...BuT I DiDnT WaNt To SaY Ne ThiNg...</font>
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    Elba is Pro?

    I MiSs OrChiD...I ThiNk HeR NaMe WaS...
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    Elba is Pro?

    heh...I BeLiEvE YoU....JuS GiViN ELbA ShiT...KiLLeR InSTiNcT Is STiLL ArOuNd?!&nbsp;
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    Elba is Pro?

    COV FTW................ThE EnD...
  7. V

    Prestige/Influence/Exp farm

    <font color="#c71585">ALThOuGh MoST Of DoUbLe Xp WeEkEnD iS GoiN To Mr.ViDa Im DoWn To RuN ThiS WiTh YoU GuYs WhEn I GeT A ChAnCe To GeT On.....SoUnDs GoOd</font>
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    SPiNE vs Nightmare Syndrome arena results

    <font color="#c71585">LoL...Oh My GoOdNeSs...DaMn YoU TRyDeN!&nbsp;</font>
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    ThATs GReAT NeWs BLuE....CoNGRATS!!!!!!! Im HaPpY FoR YoU!&nbsp;
  10. V

    The Legend of Ruladak aka Sara Moore Task Force

    VeRy GoOd JoB GuYs! TFs ALwAyS Go By FaST WhEn Ur WiTh A GrOuP Of GoOd PPL..BTW DoEs FaLsE HaVe A AccT On ThiS WeBsiTe?&nbsp;
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    <font color="#c71585">TRuE...ThAnKs FoR The InPuT GuYs&nbsp;</font>
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    <font color="#c71585">VeRy NiCe..ThAnK YoU..ThAT WaS My FiRsT ChOiCe I WaS GoiN To GeT BuT I WaSnT SuRe...</font>
  13. V

    ZOMG I'm a bajillionaire!!

    .SPiNE said: &nbsp; Ur BaD!! ImA LeT ThiS OnE SLiDe BuT To ThE ArEnA WhEn I CoMe BaCk To GaMe FRiDaY! BTW- I DiD A ReSpEc AnD SeTs AnD IO's....
  14. V


    <font color="#c71585">So I HiT 40 WiTh My IcE/RaD AnD I JuS WaNTeD To KnO If Ne OnE HaD Ne SuGGeSTiONs On WhAT PaTRoN WoULd Be GoOd FoR HeR...Im LoOkiNg FoR SoMeThiNg ThAT WoULd Be BoTh GoOD For PvE AnD PvP BuT iF NoT ThEn JuS PVP... </font>
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    ZOMG I'm a bajillionaire!!

    ZOMG...LiKe Im NoT EvEn On ThA LiST....
  16. V

    I tried to make art!

    <font color="#c71585">LoL NiCe SiG</font>
  17. V

    It's time for a new banner... (Benediction)

    NiTe ThAT LoOkS AwSoMe...AT FiRsT I ThOuGhT I WaS SeEiNg ThiNgs..LoL LiKe HoW iT ChAnGeS...NiCe WoRk!
  18. V

    Latest 50s

    RE: Latest 50s - gratz Vida <font color="#c71585">Lol I KnO RiGhT...BuT Im A BRoAd SWoRd ThOuGh...Its ALriGhT ThOuGh I LoVe It..I FiNaLLy GoT OnE..ThAnKS BaBe!!!</font>
  19. V

    This gets my vote for game of the year

    Elba Jayba said: &nbsp; LoL
  20. V

    This gets my vote for game of the year

    He JuS HaD To Go BaCk FoR ThAT LaST OnE...AnD ThE FLyiN BaR oR WhATeVeR AT ThE EnD CoMe On NoW.. I LiKeD&nbsp; HoW YoU CoULd Go In The -NeG...BuT I SrSLy WoULdA QuiT A LoNg TiMe AgO...I GoT A GoOd LaUgH OuTTa It ThOuGh