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Anyone want to learn the LoL ropes?


Staff member
I'm gonna be doing bot games as I slot up my Ryze and learn tactics/tricks with him over the next week. If anyone's new to LoL/wants to give it another shot, you're welcome to join me. <span style="color: #d99694;">Also: no raging from me in bot games!!!!!! ^_^ kawaiii !!!!!</span>
I'm on every week night. Usually don't play weekends because I hang out with the lady friend. If anyone's down Monday night, we can have a who can kill more bots competition. HELL YES
I just bought Ashe.&nbsp; She is pretty badass!

Played Cho' Gath, bassass to the max

And Nasus (spelling?)&nbsp; The egyption looking one, gonna buy him too someday
Just played through the tutorial of LoL.&nbsp; Not sure I'm too enthused about it.

Character name: Malietha

I'll give a few different champs a try, see if I like any of the play styles.&nbsp; I played the wizard first, so we'll see.

Also, if anyone is on Steam hit me up.&nbsp; I usually go by [RAX]Tempus (its a group of guys from the place where I work, RAX is the trading symbol for Rackspace).
playing now, if anyone wants to play as well. although I'm pretty hungover, so I don't expect to be as awesome as usual. I play Annie, and I call sole rights to her. IGN should be froozie or something.
I dont get home from work until 11:30pm CST, so I can play from that time till like six in the morning when I need to go to sleep.&nbsp; I've played Ryze for my three total games (1 of which was the tutorial, and one of which my team lost . . .&nbsp; against bots).&nbsp; I still need to check out a few of the other characters, I do pretty good killing minions, but i seem to lack the burst damage required to kill a hero worth a shit.&nbsp; Every game I've played so far I've killed more minions that most of my team but have only killed like one hero per game.
Also STOMP, my battlefield name is Konrad Kurze.&nbsp;&nbsp; We played a few rounds together earlier
&nbsp; I was in your squad for one, and on the second we were in opposite armies.&nbsp; It was pretty cool, cause we were both #1 for our side most of the match
I'm on now if anyone is interested. If not, I will continue to slaughter more bots with Ryze.
I think one of the games that Mal and I played together, I took first place by about 400 points. Mal was like 3rd over all. Vindictive was deffinatly represented
Malietha Lavode said:
So, we have determined that I suck at this game
&nbsp;&nbsp; Nevertheless, I shall persevere!

Eh, you were a level 6 fighting a bunch of level 20 through 30 champions. BUT, I like your attitude and wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
So yeah, I was online this morning playing a Bot game, and I get a "flabergasted" hello from Renek lol.&nbsp; Saw lanks online too

I miss you guys
Man, Lanks and I had the craziest game after you left last night Mal.

He was playing Janna and I was Akali. We were getting raped hard by a pretty OP'd team &mdash; Vayne, Teemo, Malphite, Zilean and Swain. Just as we were pretty much going to lose the game (they had our inhibitor down, and were pushing our last two towers) our useless Blitz did two amazing grabs through the base wall and we killed Teemo and Swain. Then their Vayne and Zilean DC'd (they were on the same Internet connection), and we pushed down their mid and took down their towers in literally one minute flat.

There were also about three surrender votes before this happened. Lanks and I just kind of sat stunned for a second after it happened. The Zilean came back right as the game ended and could not believe what just happened. Wish I had gotten a replay of that match.
X_Stomp_X said:
So yeah, I was online this morning playing a Bot game, and I get a "flabergasted" hello from Renek lol.&nbsp; Saw lanks online too

I miss you guys

Stomp, what are your playtimes again? I want to play with my broski ):
Ditto on the screwy game afterwards.&nbsp; All the jerkwads from work play this shit like it's a fucking religion, and the lowest leveled one is like 25 or something.&nbsp; I got raped, naturally, and I only got two kills (along with like 20 deaths). Happily, those two kills were on the dude that talks the most shit.&nbsp; Kitted out Ryze ftw.
I dont really have set playtimes, per-se.&nbsp; But my work hours are 930pm to 745 am (pacific time) so usually before or after that.&nbsp; Send me a facebook message when your on Try, then ill wrap up what ever else I might be playing and join you guys