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lookin for other champs for mid and top


Some may know that i mainly play twitch but i would like to explore other champs, more specifically for the mid and top lanes. I havent tried to many but the ones on the current free to play cycle do not interest me.

anyways i like characters that can poke well and can be played some what aggressively(much like twitch) if that helps any.

any suggestions welcomed =)
Generally Mid and Top are pretty different. Mid is usually an AP champ, Top is usually a bruiser (most of the time AD).

for top, if you like to be aggressive and rely on early game domination, I think Pantheon is a pretty good pick that allows for some poke. If literal poking isn't that important than Renekton is also pretty nice.
for mid, I suggest something like Cassiopeia, Kennen, Syndra
apogeesound said:
Generally Mid and Top are pretty different. Mid is usually an AP champ, Top is usually a bruiser (most of the time AD).

for top, if you like to be aggressive and rely on early game domination, I think Pantheon is a pretty good pick that allows for some poke. If literal poking isn't that important than Renekton is also pretty nice.
for mid, I suggest something like Cassiopeia, Kennen, Syndra

I second that suggestion for Kennen he's great. Another fave of mine for mid is Ahri because of her mobility and her Q is good for poking and minion farming although you really do need to watch your mana with her or you'll burn through it in 2 seconds. Give Fizz a try as well, he has an excellent escape mechanic in Playful Trickster and his passive allows you to ignore collision damage so you can poke and run away right through minions, it's fun seeing the enemy lane get frustrated cause they just can't hit you XD

For top I've been getting into Jax lately but both Xin Zhao and Wu Kong are pretty pokey from the few times I've played and strangely Fiddlesticks is nice at top. Fiddles is good for just being a general pain in the ass and ccing everything for eternity so if you like that give him a try.
SigmaEx said:
Some may know that i mainly play twitch but i would like to explore other champs, more specifically for the mid and top lanes. I havent tried to many but the ones on the current free to play cycle do not interest me.

anyways i like characters that can poke well and can be played some what aggressively(much like twitch) if that helps any.

any suggestions welcomed =)

So my bf plays top and I play mid so we both have suggestions xD

Xai's bf: Elise is an amazing top champ, and my favorite. She has great poke through the entire game, and such amazing utility that once you play her enough you can't get caught

Xai: Ahri is an amazing mid champ. She has built in spell vamp and true damage, making her a great duelist. She also has a taunt which is a skill shot, but is amazing for locking down people and her ultimate gives her excellent mobility for either chasing down or maintaining distance in a fight.
<iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/HUrjcJDxCG8"></iframe>

<iframe width="420" height="315" frameborder="0" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/xU65Nlmebbs"></iframe>

These should get you started...
ZOned Out said:
These should get you started...



in regards to Jax
Jax isn't a very strong early champ but has an incredible late game.

in regards to Ahri
Ahri is pretty good. I don't think she's the best duelist but she's pretty versatile
hey man not sure if u herd but there is this champ akali she is the best champ and only the best play her

her strengths are mid lane, top lane solo, top lane pair, bottom lane solo, bottom lane pair, jungling, aram, solo aram vs. 5 and all dota2 match formats

kk thx 4 reading
i picked up cassiopeia and she is FUN. she has a fun learning curve and rewards you for practicing with her, her ultimate is pretty crazy(win team fights much), and i also like how all her abilities work so well together and how they complement each other. her squishy-ness is her only real down side but her aggressive kit keeps her safe.
Lord Tryden said:
hey man not sure if u herd but there is this champ akali she is the best champ and only the best play her

her strengths are mid lane, top lane solo, top lane pair, bottom lane solo, bottom lane pair, jungling, aram, solo aram vs. 5 and all dota2 match formats

kk thx 4 reading

These are the champs i like.

Mid: Zed or Fizz (insane damage on both these guys and good getaways)
Top: Malphite or Kennen (both have insane team ultimates that can initiate and win fights)

IMO just about any champ works, although it is kinda nice to have a dash or something.
Just don't pick Akali.
SigmaEx said:
i picked up cassiopeia and she is FUN. she has a fun learning curve and rewards you for practicing with her, her ultimate is pretty crazy(win team fights much), and i also like how all her abilities work so well together and how they complement each other. her squishy-ness is her only real down side but her aggressive kit keeps her safe.

Cass is a great champ, especially if you know how to lead correctly. She's one that really rewards players who cultivate their skills.

But I second Fizz as a great mid-lane champ. If you're going to play Cass, hope you don't line up against him, because he will blow up Cass one on one.
Lord Tryden said:
LanksCOH said:
Just don't pick Akali.

I'm gonna join the opposing team and tower dive you so hard the whole match

Okay I'll wait by the tower until you're level 6 because you're useless before you get your ultimate.