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So as we all know the game is fresh and some of us want to earn as much of an edge as possible, so i have been scouring the internet for usefull tools and i will be posting them here to help everyone else.

Marketplace: the site is pretty new but it has potential to be a great tool in an auction house-less game.


Skyshards: for those that dont find alot of interests in exploring but want all the skillzzz


Addons-best site for addons that i have seen


Character planner: Self explanatory


thats it for now but ill will continue to add all resources i find on this page and try to keep it as updated as possible. If you have anything to add just post in the comments and ill add it to the first post.
Helpful links. Were you able to find one that shows were all the treasure locations are from the Maps from the Imperial bonus. And playing around with the char builder, i'm gonna have to change the way I'm working my Templar if I want to be a healer.