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MEAN's 2018 Year in Review

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It's 4 a.m. and you're watching World of Warcraft ASMR videos on Youtube again.

"Fuck how did my life go so wrong," you mutter as you reach into your bag of Doritos (cool ranch of course) and scoop up another handful to continue your depression eating.

It's Jan. 1, 2019. You turn to look at a notepad with chicken scratch writing and see your list of milestones for 2018. It only has one thing.

  • Downloaded and played Maple Story 2

"Fucking Sigma," you growl as you hurl the notepad across the room.

It's at that moment you resolve to do better this year. You're not going to be the useless sack of shit that Tryden declared you were after MEAN got wiped 0-7 by rival special needs guild...

Pop star video

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K/DA Ahri, K/DA Evelynn, K/DA Kai’Sa, and K/DA Akali take the world stage with their debut single.

New forum features

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Hello friends,

Welcome to the new forums. There are a ton of new features that we didn’t have before. It’s going to be impossible to list all of them. For the full list, just check out the Xenforo 2.0 release highlights.

In the meantime, here’s a quick rundown of the more relevant things to you guys.

Media automatically embeds

YouTube, Vimeo and other video sites will automatically embed with just a url. No bbcode needed anymore.

Social media linking

Above also goes for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram posts.


I'm back. What's everyone playing?

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Listen, I know it's been a while. And I know what you're thinking: this asshole is only here because his girlfriend is probably out of town.

Well, you're right.

But that also means we can rekindle the magic. The magic of gaming together. I've downloaded Bless some good games, and I want all of you to join me in some sweet, sweet co-op gameplay.

I'm gonna be on Discord tomorrow night starting around 7 p.m. Thinking of doing some L4D for nostalgia's sake, and then maybe some Fortnite. Also open to suggestions about what I should get. Either way, please show up or else it's going to be very lonely.


Now, the fun doesn't end there.

Tuesday I'll be...

Is it time to return to gaming?

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Hello friends,

Today I was riding the subway, when a young man caught my eye. It wasn't the sweat pants that I noticed. Or the curly chin hairs that seemed to struggle to grow anywhere past his neck.

No, it was his Nintendo Switch.

"Hey cool, is that the new Zelda?" I asked.

"G-good and you?" he replied.

His undiagnosed Aspbergers suddenly sent a flood of nostalgia flowing through me. I remembered VIndictive, all my friends, the great times we had in critically acclaimed titles like Champions Online and Global Agenda.

I got off the subway and walked by myself down the street. The crisp autumn air and the beautiful cacophony of coloured leaves had me in a chipper mood. I fondly...