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Aion Online!!

eh?  SPiNE knows no witchcraftz.  i can sell you some common sense for 10 gold though!
Because I totally haven't already followed the little guide thingy you posted or anything...
0:36 = GG herd.  Kinda makes me want to be a Templar so I can just herd everything with 1 button

.SPiNE said:
0:36 = GG herd.  Kinda makes me want to be a Templar so I can just herd everything with 1 button


And I may have it fixed. Idk though.
Omg what was that one? I'm totally making one and naming it Ash or something. ./pokemaster
About the PvPness of the game:<div>
</div><div>So far, I know that you can just right click and challenge anyone you see to a duel anytime and anywhere, seems like a pretty convenient option. &nbsp;I'm sure there are "realm vs realm" since we only get to chose either Asmodians or Elyos on a sever, I'm guessing there are Asmodians vs Elios "zones." &nbsp;Not high enough to find out though, I'm currently level 10.</div>
Yea, I will definitely buy Aion when it comes out in the US. &nbsp;This is the kind of game that I like, I'm really into games with good graphics. &nbsp;Warhammer was great and all but the graphics were just too dull for me...and I couldn't tell what anyone was doing in a party/warband because the graphics weren't obvious enough.<div>
</div><div>Aion has much better graphics for one, and the "skills" are unique and flashy enough that you can tell exactly what anyone is doing at anytime. &nbsp;I kind of like the different genre too, it's not medieval fantasy with elves and dwarves and yea, it's more asian-influenced and it's just cool
And, I just found out that mages can either equip spell books, for ranged attacks, or they can equip orbs, for melee attacks. &nbsp;Books, of course has the advantage of range and therefore the possibility of kiting. &nbsp;Orbs on the other hand, are melee, but they deal a lot more damage than books.<div>
</div><div>The cool thing is you can equip an orb and a spell book on your character, and you can hit a button to swap weapons at anytime.</div><div>
</div><div>I find it useful for my Poke-Master to use an orb right now since my Pokemon takes all the aggro, so I don't mind going in melee. &nbsp;AND AND AND the orb looks like a Pokeball<span>
Ivy- said:
I can't log on now, crazy Chinese symbols error popped up and eated my brain.
</div><div>I'm pretty positive that drugs kill brain cells now. &nbsp;I'm sure it "eated" your brain too babe <3</div>