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Exactly,GSP just kept pounding him in the face and kneeing him. Not likevaseline or no vaseline is going to do jack. GSP is such a beast, nota typical Canadian
Did he cheat?.. Yes he did. It doesn't matter if it would of changed the outcome one bit., cheating is cheating. This isn't the first fight he did this on., and if you notice, ever time he had a rematch., ie Matt Hughes, Matt Serra, and now BJ Penn he used vaseline. Everyone of these rematches he lost the first fighter (with the exception of Penn, but that was a BS split decision) and won the second fight. Once again, it doesn't matter if it would of changed the outcome, but cheating is cheating in any circumstance.
Aemon Algiz said:
GSP kicked Penn's ass, plain and simple. Penn had no idea what to do once GSP had him on the ground.
I think this is funny, Penn had no idea what to do? Are you kidding me? Penn is one of the best ground guys to ever be in MMA. He knew what to do, doesn't mean he could execute like I thought he would, but it also could of been the vaseline., who knows.
Another thing that i disagree with was how many times herb dean let GSP get away with all the blows to the back of the head, he hit him like 10 times while he was saying dont hit on the back of the head, he told him twice there., and once again a few minutes later. Everyone knows the rules on MMA and what you can do/not do, and for GSP to do that, couldn't believe it. Accident's happen, but damn., not that many times.