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Made an Vindictive ftp access on my site

So cause pinkeh need some webspace for some pictures, i decided to make a guild wide folder!!

everything you upload is publicly accessed by "http://statictech.net/Vindictive/ (folder or file name)

to upload just use an FTP client like FileZilla and enter this

  • FTP Username: vindictive@statictech.net
  • Password: stomp
  • FTP Server: ftp.statictech.net
  • FTP Server Port: 21 (this most likely doesn't matter)
this is publicly viewable so plz nothing illegal! also there is a limit of 100gig of space but i can increase that if need be

no worries on data transfer or space, i have both unlimited

so go nutz

FYI: only one can be connected at a time with that user name, but i can add more if need be.

-edit: oops user name is with a lowercase v
Thanks for this Vesica. I've been using your FTP site to host the pics I post on the front news page. Pretty handy