Claymore Frost said:
OMG, Indiana may be blue for the first time since the 60's and 3rd time EVER! For once my vote may actually count for something. Fucking electoral college.... Maybe now we will go do something good with our military like kick the shit out of the warlords in Darfur.
Funny you say that, I feel the same way,. Im from Indiana as well., as I voted for Obama as well
<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_rptReplies_ctl25_lblPost">
Amazing. There's actually celebrations here in Toronto. More celebrations are happening in London, Tokyo, Paris, Berlin...
It'sunreal. I was in Yonge-Dundas square today and people were singing"welcome back America". You don't understand how people outside Americaview this. It's amazing.
Seriously. A monumental moment.</span>
Im not going to go into detail, Just know i'm very religious. Believe it or not. Yes I voted for Obama as well, but it still worries me. Yes he can and will fix the Economy, but as far as everything else we'll see. There is no reason Canada, London, Tokyo, Paris, Berlin etc should be happy unless its true about Obama... God Help Us.