Forum Post by a dev<div>
</div><div><span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(192, 191, 191); ;">Hello, all!
A big thank-you for all the feedback y'all have been giving here. I'm lurking on the forums every day, and I know other members of the team are, too (hi, Robobo!). If you've posted in the Hero Games forum, odds are that I personally have read your post. Seriously!
I see that a lot of people are enjoying PvP, which is awesome. Keep it up!
I see that a lot of people are frustrated by powers that seem bugged or unbalanced. Thanks for posting! The short answer is that the powers team is working like frenzied gnomes to address your comments (yes, yours!). There's a patch coming in the near future and you'll be able to see a huge list of all the stuff they've fixed in the patch notes.
I can call out a few things that I know are fixed or getting fixed. Knockback resistance is in the patch, which should make powers like Shotgun Blast more strategic and less spammy. This morning I heard the powers team debating how Tazer Arrow should be rebalanced (I heard "add a cooldown and make it cost less energy," but they hadn't decided yet). I also believe that Chill was on the plate at some point.
I also know there are lots of other powers that could use tweaking (Teleport, I'm looking at you). My advice is: Patience, grasshoppers! Champions has just launched, and you can expect the improvements to continue in leaps and bounds. If you really want to be on the cutting edge, hop on the Public Test server, and do some PvP there to test out the latest changes!
Thanks again for playing, and for helping to make Champions great!</span>
</div><div><span style="font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; color: rgb(192, 191, 191); ;">Hello, all!
A big thank-you for all the feedback y'all have been giving here. I'm lurking on the forums every day, and I know other members of the team are, too (hi, Robobo!). If you've posted in the Hero Games forum, odds are that I personally have read your post. Seriously!
I see that a lot of people are enjoying PvP, which is awesome. Keep it up!
I see that a lot of people are frustrated by powers that seem bugged or unbalanced. Thanks for posting! The short answer is that the powers team is working like frenzied gnomes to address your comments (yes, yours!). There's a patch coming in the near future and you'll be able to see a huge list of all the stuff they've fixed in the patch notes.
I can call out a few things that I know are fixed or getting fixed. Knockback resistance is in the patch, which should make powers like Shotgun Blast more strategic and less spammy. This morning I heard the powers team debating how Tazer Arrow should be rebalanced (I heard "add a cooldown and make it cost less energy," but they hadn't decided yet). I also believe that Chill was on the plate at some point.
I also know there are lots of other powers that could use tweaking (Teleport, I'm looking at you). My advice is: Patience, grasshoppers! Champions has just launched, and you can expect the improvements to continue in leaps and bounds. If you really want to be on the cutting edge, hop on the Public Test server, and do some PvP there to test out the latest changes!
Thanks again for playing, and for helping to make Champions great!</span>