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The Frooz Daily (But Not Really) Volume II


Active Member
Nothing interesting has happened to prompt me to write this. I am merely bored, without anyone to bug. It begins. It is also very boring. Why am I posting it? Because I wrote it already and I'm stubborn like that.

<blockquote>I dyed my hair today. It's red, but not really. It's that fake dark-auburnish-red that only comes out of a bottle. When it had dried I looked at myself in the mirror and noticed once again how old I am starting to look. It should be bothering me less, since I have had plenty of time to get used to the idea, but instead it bothers me a little bit more every day. I'll have to spend some time thinking about why I don't want to get old. Not today though, compadre.

I've been reading a shit-ton of writing gripes and advice and I feel like writing more than ever now. My problem is that I don't have anything to say. I enjoy reading what I call "popcorn novels" which are throwaway fantasies, and very indulgent. I could write a formulaic fantasy but what is the point? Well, besides being good practice and a potential money maker. Wait a minute - those sound like good reasons. Maybe under a pen name? "Long Hammer by Apollo Thedog." "Lightning on Threalm Street by Para Sol." Ok, step one: Come up with a pen name. Taking the name of things on or around my desk doesn't seem to be working.

Quick blurb: Season 3 Episode 3 of The Guild comes out at midnight. Be there or be square.

Ventrilo, eh? I got a mic finally, but now I'm too shy to open up ventrilo and talk to people. Also, my boyfriend is currently laid off and constantly at home, and he hates hearing me talk on the phone or on vent (not just me, but anyone.) That also makes it difficult.

Ugh. I'm actually boring myself to sleep. I think I'll make a note at the top of this that it's more boring than loading screens and growing grass.

</blockquote>It ends.
So, yeah.  About that story being completed.  It uh, kinda isnt.   My bad.  On Sunday, I got a call from a buddy who lives out of state, said he was in town and wanted to hang out, and on Monday I was out with other buddies (and recovering from Sunday) so no typing for me.  Hopefully work will be slow, and I can finish it up soon.  I already know how its gonna go, I just have flesh out all the little details that make it worth reading
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