So I guess this was Day 1 being in the alliance. I did participate in the T4 events some of the Alliance leaders put on today, but can't really speak to those events because I wasn't there long.
One thing I want to make clear to all Vindictive members though. I know Exxe is doing a really big push to have us all as a collective, so we can work together. He wants us using one vent server, one website, etc. Which I'm fine with. However, some of the alliance leaders joined this website. Fine as well. But they won't be getting member access. I'm really excited about this alliance, but one thing we're not giving up is our sovereignty. Our member forums will stay member-only so that if anyone has criticisms about the alliance or anything else, only people from Vindictive will see them.
Also I guess a lot of the guilds (minus Serpent's Cross) are relatively new and were formed in Warhammer. But of course we've been around for a long time and in a lot of games. So we're keeping our vent server running. In case we leave the alliance or the alliance breaks up, we can always go back and start again (I'm thinking longterm here just in case). This guild has strong leadership and is going to be around for a very long time. And we need foundations like a website and vent server to support that in any event.
I know some people asked me about this. I'm fine with coordinating and sharing resources, but at the end of the day, Vindictive won't give up an ounce of sovereingty for any alliance. In previous games we always had the numbers to do even the toughest end game content ourselves, and with Warhammer it isn't any different. It's just easier with an alliance.
That being said, I have high hopes and am really excited about being part of Hydra. There have been some concerns from members (feel free to voice yours here) about it, but overall, I think we can really take on a leadership role in the alliance and show them why Vindictive is hands down one of Vortex's best.