War Mimic
<h2 class="posttitle"><div class="post-thumb">
</div><span id="ppt1252794">Mark Jacobs announces major features cut from Warhammer Online</span></h2><p class="byline">by Michael Zenke Jul 11th 2008 at 11:45AM</p><p class="filed-under">Filed under: Betas, Fantasy, New titles, Warhammer Online</p>In the latest of an ongoing series of interviews with MMORPG.com, Mythic Entertainment VP and General Manager Mark Jacobs has dropped big news on the Warhammer Online fanbase: major features are being culled from the game in order to make their Fall launch deadline. In short, the capital citiesfor the Dark Elf, High Elf, Orc, and Dwarf factions will not be in thegame at launch. The Human city of Altdorf and the Chaos Inevitable Citywill be the only Capital cities in the game. This is an enormouschange, seemingly changing much of what we know about the game's core of RvR gameplay.
Additionally, four classes are being removed, deemed to be in a condition unsuitable for launch. They are:
We've previously expressed some reservations about just these issues. How do you feel about these major announcements for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning?
Additionally, four classes are being removed, deemed to be in a condition unsuitable for launch. They are:
- The Choppa (Greenskin)
- The Hammerer (Dwarf)
- The Blackguard (Dark Elf)
- The Knight of the Blazing Sun (Empire)
We've previously expressed some reservations about just these issues. How do you feel about these major announcements for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning?