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Search results

  1. V

    So to commerate 3 years of Vindictive...

    Sweet and Sour
  2. V

    ATTN: ViDa

    <font color="#c71585">? SaY WhAT! WhO YoU CaLLiN 18-19 YeAr OLd?..AnD HoW OLd ARe YoU SPiNE? Do I EvEn WaNNa KnO WhAT YoUr DoiN In ThAt AgE RaNge?&nbsp;</font>
  3. V

    ATTN: ViDa

    <font color="#c71585">STOMP!...HeLLo! SaMe To YoU ALL....I KnO IVe BeEn GhoST AwHiLe...BuT HaVeNt FoRGoTTeN YoU GuYs...</font>
  4. V

    yay 3 years

    HaPpY ANNiVeRSaRy NoT OnLy To MeMbErS BuT To ThOsE WhO STaRTeD ThiSGReAT CoMMuNiTY WeRe A PaRT Of ! AnD SoRRy I CoULdnT CoMe OuT...HoPeThE EvEnTs WeRe A BLaST...I WoULd LiKe TO GiVe A ShOuT OuT To EnVy AnDSiXTh FoR InViTiNg Me To ThiS GRoUp AnD ItS BeEn A PLeAsUrE SiNcE&nbsp;
  5. V

    Attn: Everyone Re: My iPhone

  6. V

    Name the Song!

    <font color="#c71585">BoReD MuCh SpiNe? Ne WaYs GoOd To SeE U PoST SToMp AnD TRy KiLLeD u In This ThReAd 100 PeRcEnT !!!!.............ThE EnD!</font>
  7. V

    Vindictive's Newest 50s

    <font color="#c71585">HeH ThAnKs LaNkS FoR ThA 50 FiNaLLy ThAT ToOn HiT 50 BoUT TiMe! AnD GRaTz To Ur Do NoT WaNt!&nbsp;</font>
  8. V

    ATTN: ViDa

    <font color="#c71585">LoL! TRu DaT! AnD SPiNe Im WaiTiNg TiL ThA FiRsT PaRT Of JuLy To TRy OuT AOC CuZ We GeTTiN OuR NeW CoMp ThEn...PLuS ThEsE DaYs My ScHeDuLe Is PreTTy TiGhT To FiT iN GaMe TiMe&nbsp;</font>
  9. V

    Grats to False for winning the PvPEC's Lethal Lottery!

    RE: Grats to False for winning the PvPEC's Lethal Lot... <font color="#c71585">No CLuE WhAT ThaT Is BuT GRaTz FaLsE!!!&nbsp;</font>
  10. V

    Congrats to brimstone barrage.

    GRaTz BriM!&nbsp;
  11. V

    Blue's Boyz

  12. V

    Raid with Reason to Hate Thread...

    .SPiNE said: <font color="#c71585"> ATTN:SPINE Srsly...Dont mention my name unless I have somethin to do with this...Thank you! On Another Note..I think We should take him up on this offer....We GoT This! </font>
  13. V

    Vindictive's source of Power

    <font color="#c71585">ThE KiNgS ThRoNe! <font size="3">Thats What Im Talkin Bout!!</font></font>
  14. V

    Friggin owned

    <font color="#c71585">I ReALiZeD ThAT We DiDnT GeT A GRoUp ShOT...PrOLLy CuZ We WeRe ALL TiReD...HeH...ALL iN ALL IT WaS GoOd ThOuGh...GoOd TeAmWoRK! GReAT JoB!! GRaTz To ALL WhO CaMe&nbsp;</font>
  15. V

    Please PL me before this happens

    <font color="#c71585">WoW </font>
  16. V

    Goodjob on the raid with Guyvers! CHEERS!!!

    LanksCOH said: &nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp; <font color="#c71585">CoNGRaTz On ThE RaiD EvEryOnE HeArD We ToOk HoMe ThE WiNNiNg N PrOvEd ThEm WRoNg...GReAT JoB GuYs!! AnD WhATs Up WiTh SpiNe BeATiNg TRy To ThE BeGgiNiN PoST </font>
  17. V

    SPiNE pwns so hard!

    HeH NiCe LoOkiN OuT TrY&nbsp;
  18. V

    SPiNE pwns so hard!

    <font color="#c71585">WoW SpiNe..Ne ThiNg To GeT uR PoSTs Up HuH? -1</font>
  19. V

    2v2 Arena events!

    SToP RePeATiN UrSeLf To GeT MoRe ReSpOnSeS... -1