turns out aion is having one of the most successful open betas in history. saw the headline some where this morning but i'm too lazy to look for it again.
Well, I guess I had better delete my Elyos character on Siel then. I know the beta wasn't supposed to be an organized affair, but come on, I'm a priest. We're like an extra hole in the head without someone to follow around healing. (Except for the part where I'm running around being OP and soloing mobs.)
</div><div>Well, I guess I had better delete my Elyos character on Siel then.<div>
<div>I rolled a chanter today and am getting the hang of it during beta. Since Tryden wants to blast to lvl 25 asap at launch I'm also taking the time to read through the quests available. Also, I got a part-time job today finally (woohoo) so Jared will be getting a copy too to be able to dabble when not on CO, or to be able to play together with me.