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World of Emotionally Stunted Adults Classic


Staff member

Guys, I gotta come clean.

For someone that shit talks WoW as much as I do, I played a lot of it before I was unceremoniously banned in 2007.

Let me take a moment to reminiscence a little before I launch into a venom-filled attack on this game.

I bought World of Warcraft and played it on launch day back in 2004 and played a shit ton of it over the next year. I ganked people in Crossroads with my Alliance friends, I camped in Stranglethorn Vale, I grinded for every piece of Magister's armor and I raided Molten Core more times than I can remember. 15 years later, I can recall vividly how fucking stoked I was when I finally had enough gold to buy my first mount.

When I got City of Heroes and started Vindictive in 2005, I couldn't resist WoW's allure, and ended up dragging a bunch of you into the game. I made a lot of big promises about how we'd become a raiding guild and how we'd have PvP teams for Alterac Valley and all this shit that never ended up happening. Because I didn't have enough time to honour my commitments and ended up just buying a lot of gold and using WoW glider to bot being wrongfully banned by Blizzard.

We still laugh about those memories.

And that's what they should be. Memories. But because Blizzard hasn't designed a good, original game in years and is haemorrhaging money as a result, they're bringing WoW back from the dead the way ABC used to take Dick Clark's corpse out of cold storage to host the New Year's Eve broadcast special every December until modern medicine and dark magics ceased to work on him.

World of Warcraft Classic is everything wrong with gaming. It's GamerGate. It's maladjusted twenty-something males that feel society has wronged them when the only thing that's wronged them is themselves.

It's dragging things that should be left in the past into the present because in 2019, none of us can grow up.

If you log into this game and create a Tauren or whatever Warhammer knock off race you end up choosing, you're admitting to yourself that you're giving up. You're giving up on personal growth. You're doing the same thing you were doing 15 years ago 15 years later. Nothing's changed. You're still the same awkward, depressed teen you were then.

There are many ills plaguing the world today. World of Warcraft is easily one of the worst ones.

That being said, I decided to create my characters on Mankrik. Add me in game — Tryden#1221.

Right now I'm probably going to be playing horde side, but if enough people rather play alliance, I'm down with that too.

Looking forward to questing with all of you again. 🥰
View attachment 1228

Guys, I gotta come clean.

For someone that shit talks WoW as much as I do, I played a lot of it before I was unceremoniously banned in 2007.

Let me take a moment to reminiscence a little before I launch into a venom-filled attack on this game.

I bought World of Warcraft and played it on launch day back in 2004 and played a shit ton of it over the next year. I ganked people in Crossroads with my Alliance friends, I camped in Stranglethorn Vale, I grinded for every piece of Magister's armor and I raided Molten Core more times than I can remember. 15 years later, I can recall vividly how fucking stoked I was when I finally had enough gold to buy my first mount.

When I got City of Heroes and started Vindictive in 2005, I couldn't resist WoW's allure, and ended up dragging a bunch of you into the game. I made a lot of big promises about how we'd become a raiding guild and how we'd have PvP teams for Alterac Valley and all this shit that never ended up happening. Because I didn't have enough time to honour my commitments and ended up just buying a lot of gold and using WoW glider to bot being wrongfully banned by Blizzard.

We still laugh about those memories.

And that's what they should be. Memories. But because Blizzard hasn't designed a good, original game in years and is haemorrhaging money as a result, they're bringing WoW back from the dead the way ABC used to take Dick Clark's corpse out of cold storage to host the New Year's Eve broadcast special every December until modern medicine and dark magics ceased to work on him.

World of Warcraft Classic is everything wrong with gaming. It's GamerGate. It's maladjusted twenty-something males that feel society has wronged them when the only thing that's wronged them is themselves.

It's dragging things that should be left in the past into the present because in 2019, none of us can grow up.

If you log into this game and create a Tauren or whatever Warhammer knock off race you end up choosing, you're admitting to yourself that you're giving up. You're giving up on personal growth. You're doing the same thing you were doing 15 years ago 15 years later. Nothing's changed. You're still the same awkward, depressed teen you were then.

There are many ills plaguing the world today. World of Warcraft is easily one of the worst ones.

That being said, I decided to create my characters on Mankrik. Add me in game — Tryden#1221.

Right now I'm probably going to be playing horde side, but if enough people rather play alliance, I'm down with that too.

Looking forward to questing with all of you again. 🥰
Lol mr Tryden sir. It would be great to run on WOW classic with you and dust off Z old Hunter.
View attachment 1228

Guys, I gotta come clean.

For someone that shit talks WoW as much as I do, I played a lot of it before I was unceremoniously banned in 2007.

Let me take a moment to reminiscence a little before I launch into a venom-filled attack on this game.

I bought World of Warcraft and played it on launch day back in 2004 and played a shit ton of it over the next year. I ganked people in Crossroads with my Alliance friends, I camped in Stranglethorn Vale, I grinded for every piece of Magister's armor and I raided Molten Core more times than I can remember. 15 years later, I can recall vividly how fucking stoked I was when I finally had enough gold to buy my first mount.

When I got City of Heroes and started Vindictive in 2005, I couldn't resist WoW's allure, and ended up dragging a bunch of you into the game. I made a lot of big promises about how we'd become a raiding guild and how we'd have PvP teams for Alterac Valley and all this shit that never ended up happening. Because I didn't have enough time to honour my commitments and ended up just buying a lot of gold and using WoW glider to bot being wrongfully banned by Blizzard.

We still laugh about those memories.

And that's what they should be. Memories. But because Blizzard hasn't designed a good, original game in years and is haemorrhaging money as a result, they're bringing WoW back from the dead the way ABC used to take Dick Clark's corpse out of cold storage to host the New Year's Eve broadcast special every December until modern medicine and dark magics ceased to work on him.

World of Warcraft Classic is everything wrong with gaming. It's GamerGate. It's maladjusted twenty-something males that feel society has wronged them when the only thing that's wronged them is themselves.

It's dragging things that should be left in the past into the present because in 2019, none of us can grow up.

If you log into this game and create a Tauren or whatever Warhammer knock off race you end up choosing, you're admitting to yourself that you're giving up. You're giving up on personal growth. You're doing the same thing you were doing 15 years ago 15 years later. Nothing's changed. You're still the same awkward, depressed teen you were then.

There are many ills plaguing the world today. World of Warcraft is easily one of the worst ones.

That being said, I decided to create my characters on Mankrik. Add me in game — Tryden#1221.

Right now I'm probably going to be playing horde side, but if enough people rather play alliance, I'm down with that too.

Looking forward to questing with all of you again. 🥰
I myself was a WOW player. Gave it a go some months ago. Didn't last long, just seems so outdated. But again I could see you just rambling nonsense in barren chat.
I myself was a WOW player. Gave it a go some months ago. Didn't last long, just seems so outdated. But again I could see you just rambling nonsense in barren chat.

lol, Hammy I feel like you're exactly the kind of guy I'd find in Barrens chat

But yeah, I think unless you played it back in the day and have the nostalgia you're not going to like it. It's a really outdated, slow, ugly looking game