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Virgins assemble: GTFO thread
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Hey guys, it's me, Tryden, posting on these forums no one reads anymore.

A while back you might remember me talking about a game called GTFO. Well, that game is out. And I want to play it.

It has pretty good reviews on Steam and everyone's talking about how hard it is (SOUNDS FUN).

So if you want to carry me in yet another game, please hit me up.

Here are some screenshots from the game to see if it's up your alley.


World of Emotionally Stunted Adults Classic
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Guys, I gotta come clean.

For someone that shit talks WoW as much as I do, I played a lot of it before I was unceremoniously banned in 2007.

Let me take a moment to reminiscence a little before I launch into a venom-filled attack on this game.

I bought World of Warcraft and played it on launch day back in 2004 and played a shit ton of it over the next year. I ganked people in Crossroads with my Alliance friends, I camped in Stranglethorn Vale, I grinded for every piece of Magister's armor and I raided Molten Core more times than I can remember. 15 years later, I can recall vividly how fucking stoked I was when I finally had enough...
Risk of Rain 2
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Olcan and I are playing this shit and it's lit. LET'S GET A FOUR MAN GOING
Vermintide 2 Versus beta
I've become obsessed with Dark Souls
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I just wanted all of you to know this. Also, if you're obsessed too please let me know because I need someone to talk to about builds and maybe do some co-op together and practice PvP.

Thank you.

Apex Legends

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Please play this with me. My fist pug match had me paired with a heavily accented Swede. It was horrible.
